Can your antenna survive a hurricane or tsunami ?
Mosley's Antenna's Did !!!
We couldn't help but notice the interest in some of the very complicated antenna designs that are being offered in the market place.
These antennas can be and in some instances are mechanical nightmares and over time will not fair well in harsh environments. We don't understand why someone would want a product that has these potential problems with less or same gain performance than a proven, tried and true Mosley antenna design?
We feel that the least amount of moving or mechanical parts that are in an antenna design; the better the chances are for surviving and operating in all of the various weather climates and conditions. Keep it simple stupid!
Another big misconception that is being pushed is what the antenna elements are made out of determines the gain of the antenna Well it doesn't!
Full size, linear loaded, trapped, or wet noodles, "Spacing along the BOOM of the elements is the basic function that determines the gain that a system will develop!"
We still feel 2+2 = 4! Apparently there are those that say it equals 6, or 9, or something other than the laws of mathematics. The sad news is there are those out there that are starting to believe it! Just because something is said over and over again; and it is picked up by those that have no factual premise, doesn't make it correct.
Just thought we would point out a few things we have been observing and wanted to set the record straight!
Mosley Engineering